Expanding Horizons has operated services specifically for people with profound and multiple living disabilities for many, many years. We are highly skilled in creating an environment where the service users are comfortable, happy and fulfilled.
Every aspect of the service is considered: from the location and design of the building; to the interior décor and furnishings; and the lighting and heating systems. Staff in specialist services have an induction programmes geared to the needs of the service users and are engaged in on-going education and training.
The routines, meals and activities available within the services reflect the particular challenges individuals may have, particularly around sensory-perceptual issues, communication, socialisation and flexibility of thought and behaviour.
Intervention is offered from a Positive Behavioural Support perspective and TEACCH strategies and approaches are used to facilitate learning and development. Some strategies from cognitive behavioural therapy are also used to support individuals whose anxiety may be high or whose behaviour may be impulsive.