Thank You

In 2020 and 2021, many organisations have had to adapt and innovate due to the Covid-19 global pandemic. Many employees have been asked to work with even more flexibility than usually, and leaders have had to make decisions, lead organisations, and manage people under circumstances none of us could ever have ever imagined.
At Expanding Horizons, it has been no different. There has never been a more important time for leaders to provide clear direction through such turbulent times. We are lucky to have people who care passionately about the people they support – who strive for excellence in all they do. Without this attitude for continuous development, it is fair to say that the quality of services provided would not have been at the level it has, and continues to be.
What is noticeable is the sheer resilience shown by all involved at Expanding Horizons, from adapting to the impact of wearing face masks on 12-hour shifts, managing sickness and absence, to maintaining continuity across services. Additionally, we have been busy recruiting the next generation of social care workers and ensuring that service users are involved in the process of deciding who comes to work in their home.
It would have been easy to become overwhelmed, but the determination and positive mental attitude of our workforce has prevailed. For that, we say a huge Thank You.
Providing specialist care and support for individuals with enduring mental illness, learning disabilities and other complex needs, the values of Expanding Horizons have always underpinned the decisions we make, but the past year has seen those values adopted by everyone in a way that we could not have imagined. As we continue our quest to provide outstanding social care services for those who need it most, we have never felt prouder of this amazing organisation.