The importance of community engagement at Expanding Horizons

At Expanding Horizons, we are always out and about in the community with our service users. This can be simply heading to the supermarkets, going for a walk in the park to feed the ducks or heading to the beach.
Community engagement and stimulation from new environments is a crucial aspect of life for individuals with learning disabilities and mental illness. It provides a sense of belonging and connection to others, and can improve overall well-being and mental health.
For individuals with learning disabilities, community engagement provides opportunities for socialisation and recreation, as well as the chance to learn new skills and develop further independence, which is the ultimate goal for Expanding Horizons. Through this community engagement we can also help to break down barriers and stigma surrounding learning disabilities, promoting a greater understanding within the community.
For those with mental health problems, community engagement can be particularly beneficial as it can provide a supportive network and a sense of purpose. It can also provide opportunities for individuals to share their experiences and learn from others who may be going through similar challenges.
Despite the many benefits of community engagement, it can often be difficult for individuals with learning disabilities and mental health problems to participate in their communities due to a lack of accessibility and understanding, despite support from our teams. It is important that communities work to create inclusive environments and provide support to ensure that all individuals are able to fully participate and benefit from the social, recreational, and educational opportunities available.
There are many different ways to get involved in the community, and our service users have joined clubs and groups, volunteered and are consistently participating in recreational activities. We understand that it is important to find an activity that aligns with an individual's interests and abilities, as this will help to increase their motivation and enjoyment. That’s why, a key aspect of our support is providing every individual with the opportunity to make their own choices about what they wish to access!
Overall, community engagement is a vital aspect of life at Expanding Horizons. It provides a sense of connection and purpose, and can improve overall well-being and mental health. By working to create inclusive and supportive communities, we can ensure that all individuals are able to participate and thrive!